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The families of life skills students were invited to celebrate their children and those who work with them every day!  We have two life skills classes, consisting of 20 students.  Activities consisted of an obstacle course, race, luncheon, and awards.  Community support is fantastic and makes such a big difference for our school, teachers, and those that work with our students!

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Wednesday, 20 March 2024 01:06

Rock Your Socks!

Celebrate World Down Syndrome Day on Thrusday, March 21, by wearing your most colorful, mismatched socks. It's a great way to celebrate everyone's differences. Learning to understand special needs or kids with disabilities can help change our perspectives.

Being different is awesome, and being different is what makes us who we are. WSD Superintendent Butters said, "I plan to ROCK MY SOCKS on the 21st! And I look forward to learning and sharing with my peers so we can embrace our differences and celebrate what makes us unique."

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Congratulations to UCTE Utah Language Arts Experienced High School Teacher of the Year Mr. Justin Shaw!


We are so lucky to have Mr. Shaw at Roy High School, and can't imagine anyone more desrving of this award!

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Thursday, 30 November 2023 00:18

Three Weber School District Band Directors

Three Weber School District Band Directors - Matthew Kinney (Roy HS), Timothy Koster (TH Bell JH), and Joseph Windsor (Weber HS) - were selected to join a marching band of 400 band directors from across the country in the historic Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade® on November 23, 2023. The Saluting America’s Band Directors parade entry conveyed its theme, “America’s band directors: We teach music. We teach life.” to recognize the extraordinary dedication and accomplishments of band directors and music educators everywhere. Congratulations Matthew Kinney, Timoty Koster, and Joseph Windsor!

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Wednesday, 16 August 2023 03:01

Get FREE College Credit!!

You can start earning college credit through Concurrent Enrollment (also known as CE)! Credits through WSU CE cost $5 per credit hour, but if you qualify for free and reduced lunch through your school district,you can take CE classes for Please visit your high school counseling center for more information today!

¡Puedes comenzar a obtener créditos universitarios a través de Inscripción Simultánea (CE)! Los cursos de CE cuestan $5 por hora de crédito, sin embargo si calificas para almuerzo gratis o a precio reducido a través de tu distrito escolar,¡puedes tomar cursos de CE ¡Visita tu centro de consejería y asesoramiento hoy para obtener más información!

Published in Featured News
Tuesday, 09 May 2023 02:50


Bonneville High School students recently competed in the National German Exam competition. Over 15,000 students across the nation compete in this exam, and many of our students scored in the top half of the nation: Collin Reynolds, Madison Brand, Allie Robinson, Jake Roberts, Bailey Hyde, Ryan Torres, Dantley Doutre, Chandlyr Noble, Mackenzie Faulkner, Drew Parry, and Issac Martinez.
Two students in particular, Lucas Staten and Speirs Fonnesbeck, scored in the top 10% of the nation! As a result, both of these students advanced to the state-level competition.
Lucas Staten placed first in Utah, advancing to Nationals where he won a gold medal and a trip to Germany. He will be traveling to Germany in June to further his language studies, live with a local family, and attend a German high school in Berlin. Congratulations, to Lucas and all of our Bonneville High School German Class students and faculty who are representing Weber School District so well on a national stage.
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Monday, 06 December 2021 02:35

Orchard Springs holds STEM day

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Tuesday, 30 November 2021 00:00

Veteran's Day

6th grade students at North Ogden Elementary participated in a twelve year tradition honoring veterans by filling the walls with their pictures and a brief description of their service. We love and appreciate all veterans and their service.

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Weber School District honored with three commendations this year for having the best of the best statewide

This week the State of Utah presented the U-RISE award to Weber School District’s Mike Evans in our maintenance department.

This award is the third statewide commendation this year to go to Weber School District: Utah Superintendent of the year Jeff Stephens, Utah Teacher of the Year Mark Daniels, and now the U-RISE recipient Mike Evans.

We think our school district is amazing, but when officials in the Governor’s Office as well as the Utah State Board of Education take notice of our great people and programs, it is a proud moment.

This triple-crown achievement for Weber School District in 2021 is shared with all those who are part of a great organization that do amazing things every day for children. When we all work together to put children first in each decision, everyone wins. It’s the Weber Way.

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Wednesday, 19 May 2021 02:56

The World is moving Online. Don't miss out!


Connect your home to potential jobs, critical healthcare services, virtual classrooms, and other education and job training opportunities.

Federal assistance now available through internet providers:

  • Up to $50 per month towards internet service
  • Up to $75 per month for households on Tribal lands
  • $100 toward a computer from participating providers You are eligible if at least one member of your household:
  • Qualifies for Lifeline telephone/broadband program.
  • Receives free or reduced school lunch.
  • Received a Federal Pell Grant during the current year.
  • Experienced a loss of income due to COVID-19.
  • Participate in an existing low-income internet or COVID-19 program.


Check with your local internet provider or visit


l mundo se mueve en línea. ¡No se lo pierda!


Conecte su hogar a trabajos potenciales, servicios de atención médica críticos, aulas virtuales y otras oportunidades de educación y capacitación laboral.

Asistencia federal ahora está disponible a través de proveedores de Internet:

  • Hasta $50 por mes para el servicio de Internet
  • Hasta $75 por mes para hogares en tierras tribales
  • $100 hacia una computadora de proveedores participantes Usted es elegible si al menos un miembro de su hogar:
  • Califica para el programa Lifeline de telefonía / banda ancha.
  • Recibe almuerzo escolar gratis o reducido.
  • Recibió una Beca Federal Pell durante el año en curso.
  • Experimentó una pérdida de ingresos debido a COVID-19.
  • Participa en un programa existente de Internet para personas de bajos ingresos 


Consulte con su proveedor de Internet local

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